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Saturday 31 March 2018

What to do when reality doesn’t match our expectations?

Disapproval is the best thing that can ever happen to you

'Long list' of sites being considered for new hospital in town

A 'LONG list' of potential sites are being considered for the proposed new hospital in Warrington.

from Warrington Guardian | News
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Grilled cheese and mac and cheese bar opens in Warrington Market

A NEW food stall has opened in Warrington Market dedicated to all things cheese.

from Warrington Guardian | News
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Warrington will have Business Improvement District – £1.8m investment set for town centre

AROUND £1.8 million will be invested into Warrington town centre after firms voted in favour of having a Business Improvement District (BID) in the area.

from Warrington Guardian | News
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IN PICTURES: Death defying stunts and feats of great strength at circus spectacular

ROLL up because Circus Funtasia is back at Orford Park.

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Will Smith tries to make out with Sophia the robot, and it does not go well


Budding YouTuber Will Smith isn't afraid to churn out some weird content on his channel, including an attempt at getting frisky with a humanoid.

In his most recent clip, Smith sets himself on a date in the Cayman islands with Sophia the robot, a humanoid robot from Hanson Robotics that uses artificial intelligence to interact with humans. After a few awkward moments and some burns from Sophia to Smith, he leans in for a kiss, and well, gets denied. 

It's super weird.

Unfortunately, this may have a lasting impression on poor Sophia.

"Every interaction I have with people has an impact on how I develop and shapes who I eventually become," Sophia's website reads. "So please be nice to me as I would like to be a smart, compassionate robot." Read more...

More about Will Smith, Sophia The Robot, Culture, and Web Culture

from Mashable
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'Roseanne' renewed for second season already. Man.


Love it or hate it so, so much, the Roseanne reboot got a second season.

After a massive ratings premiere on Tuesday, ABC announced Friday that they would be renewing the controversial sitcom for its second season. 

The internet was torn up, for better or worse.

Though critics had been talking about the show for weeks, the show's ratings shocked even the most hardened skeptics. On Tuesday night, a staggering 18.2 million viewers tuned in. The total viewercast has grown by over 3.4 million in recent days.

The announcement comes on the heels of news that President Trump called Roseanne, a Trump supporter, himself to congratulate her on the show's ratings success. Read more...

More about Watercooler, Roseanne Barr, Roseanne, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows

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Dog sings the blues with more soul and rhythm than most humans


One cannot simply sing the blues. You need to FEEL the blues. The blues are an emotion, a journey, a spiritual unraveling of someone's innermost suffering.

This dog. This dog has seen some shit. 

While, sure, we've seen other dogs howl along as their owners play music, this dog has an uncanny ability to "sing" perfectly in pitch, with a rhythm and soul that encompasses the genre. 


More about Funny, Dog, Culture, and Animals

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This story about an office lunch theft is so good, you must read it


Everything was fine until somebody touched the shrimp fried rice.

The communal office fridge is one of the most contentious areas of any office. Long lost leftovers go forgotten until it's hard for anyone to avoid the stench, unorganized stackers become apparent, and  inevitably, someone's precious food or condiment will be violated. There are a few unspoken fridge rules for any office, however, the golden rule is to never, ever eat or discard someone's lunch. Ever. 

Comedian Zak Toscani shared a controversial tale of an office lunch gone wrong, which he says started Thursday evening after his coworker noticed their lunch had gone missing from the fridge. We were unable to confirm the events actually took place (this may be a big joke ... he's a comedian after all), but the story is so good, it must be read. Read more...

More about Funny, Lunch, Culture, and Web Culture

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Apple's new 'Battery Health' feature actually sucks


My iPhone isn't even two years old, and it's already dying.

That's the upshot of Apple's new "Battery Health" feature, introduced in iOS 11.3 Thursday. Though the device assures me it's operating at "peak performance," it also indicates that the battery can only hold 93 percent of the charge it once did.

So it goes. Every battery degrades over time, and there's not a lot Apple can do about that. In fact, this new feature is a step in the right direction: it's a sort of mea culpa after the tech giant was caught slowing down old devices without user consent, supposedly to combat unexpected shutdowns. The more information users have to counteract — or at least anticipate — the negative effects of iPhone aging, the better. Read more...

More about Apple, Iphone, Tech, Big Tech Companies, and Iphone

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American hero Sister Jean says God's a bigger fan of the NCAA than the NBA


From the Book of Sister Jean, Chapter 1, Verse 3: "God is probably a basketball fan, more of the NCAA than the NBA."

The word is truth, especially when it's spoken by Loyola-Chicago’s Sister Jean Dolores-Schmidt, the school's basketball team's chaplain. On Friday, the internet celebrity and 98-year-old nun gave her own press conference ahead of the Ramblers' game on Saturday night, delivering one gem after another.

Asked if God was a basketball fan, Sister Jean had this to say:

"He probably is. And he’s probably a basketball fan more of the NCAA than the NBA." Read more...

More about Watercooler, Ncaa, March Madness, Ncaa Basketball, and Sister Jean

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Satellite images of Earth taken from an angle show the world in new beauty


While it's fun to explore the world by zooming around on Google Earth, there's just something uninspiring about most satellite images. While the earth is 100 percent most definitely round, many of these images are taken straight down, making the world appear flat, and, well, kinda boring. 

However, when an image captured by a satellite is taken at an angle, the perspective changes. Photos of landscapes and structures no longer look like two-dimensional maps. 

Planet Labs, Increcently released a collection of these stunning images, which show the wonder and beauty of Earth in a perspective unlike the satellite imagery we've become accustomed to. From the bustling skyline of Shanghai to the the world's tallest waterfall, experience the world around you like never before. Read more...

More about Space, Nature, Satellite, Culture, and Space

from Mashable
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The supreme weirdness of reading 'A Wrinkle In Time' as an adult


The first time I read A Wrinkle In Time as a kid, I remember being utterly terrified.

Beginning with the iconic opening line "It was a dark and stormy night," Madeleine L'Engle's classic children's sci-fi tale takes us on a harrowing journey with iron-willed Meg Wallace, precocious Charles Wallace, and charming Calvin as they they bend time and space to find Meg and Charles's missing father.

It wasn't until I re-read the book as an adult that I figured out why: As a kid, I was used to stories about kids persevering and fighting the challenges to discover the moral of being themselves. I wasn't used to reading stories where the youthful protagonists face such grave mortal and existential peril.  Read more...

More about Mashreads, Mashreads Podcast, A Wrinkle In Time, Culture, and Books

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Jim Carrey submits his highly accurate Trump portrait to the Smithsonian


Jim Carrey, actor, comedian and Renaissance painter, just submitted his first masterpiece.

Or, uh, so the people of the internet think. On Thursday, Jim Carrey submitted his "official portrait" of Donald Trump to the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery via Twitter. The portrait features Trump sitting in his bathrobe eating an ice cream cone which is highly accurate, so he obviously has my vote.

“Dear Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery,” Carrey wrote on Twitter. “I know it’s early but I’d like to submit this as the official portrait of our 45th President, Donald J. Trump. It’s called, ‘You Scream. I Scream. Will We Ever Stop Screaming?” Read more...

More about Watercooler, Smithsonian, Trump, Jim Carrey, and Jim Carrey Painting

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You can officially buy an $80 Android phone now


It ain't an iPhone, but a new Android Go device will get you online for $80.

The ZTE Tempo Go phone just launched in the United States, delivering a pared down version of Google's mobile operating system at a low price. It has a 5-inch screen, some pretty weak cameras, and — yes! — a headphone jack.

Let's also reiterate: It costs $80.

Of course, the phone isn't meant to be powerful. It runs Oreo Go, a version of Android for "entry-level" phones. And Google does mean entry-level. Inexpensive Android Go devices are intended to help the absurdly powerful tech corporation make inroads in growing markets like India, where just over 22 percent of the population used smartphones last year compared to 69 percent in the United States, according to one analysis. (Note that surveys from Pew indicate that 77 percent of Americans now own smartphones; there's a bit of wiggle room to these statistics.)  Read more...

More about Google, Android, Zte, Tech, and Smartphones

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This map shows what your neighborhood would look like if a nuclear bomb hit it


It's 2018, and there's one thing on the back of everyone's minds — nuclear warfare.

If it isn't, it should beIn January of this year, the doomsday clock moved two minutes closer to midnight because of elevated nuclear warfare riskThe Outrider Foundation decided to take advantage of this uniquely terrifying moment in history and publish an interactive nuclear bomb simulator, allowing users to see how their houses and neighborhoods would be affected if they were hit by a nuclear bomb.  

To use the map, simply type in your address and zip code and choose your bomb of choice. The visualization can show you how the large the impact of the bomb might be, how much of your neighborhood would likely be vaporized and how many people might be affected by radiation poisoning — ya know, all the good stuff. Read more...

More about Watercooler, Nuclear Weapons, Maps, Culture, and Politics

from Mashable
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We're getting close to a solution for one devastating aspect of antidepressants


A prescription for an antidepressant is hope. It can also be a guessing game. 

"Do I feel different? Do I feel better?" Nausea, weight gain, and sexual side effects — those can hit right away. But it can take weeks to feel a change in mood, then another few weeks to tell if an antidepressant is actually doing any good.

Now imagine this future: You walk into a psychiatrist's office. They swab inside your cheek, or put sensors on your head, and then prescribe you the right drug. No trial and error. No false starts. Just an antidepressant that works with minimal side effects.

More about Depression, Anxiety, Qeeg, Fmri, and Social Good

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