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Saturday 31 March 2018

The world of Voice AI according to Gary Vaynerchuk


Gary Vaynerchuk and his agency VaynerMedia are already known for dominating and owning social media. But now they're turning their attentions to Voice AI. We caught up with Gary to talk about the massive opportunities and challenges that a future of talking to machines presents. Here's the conversation in full: 

Can we establish your views on how revolutionary Voice AI is and is going to be in our day to day lives 

It’s going to be one of the core pillars of our interaction. I would say in a decade it’s going to rival  the cell phone as we know it today. Ultimately because of how much time we spend the cell phone will continue to be the primary, but I genuinely believe that voice AI enabled devices and infrastructure is going to become as crucial as the cell phone in the way we interact with technology.  Read more...

More about Artificial Intelligence, Voice Assistants, Tech, Big Tech Companies, and Artificial Intelligence

from Mashable
via Aerials Warrington

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