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Monday 30 April 2018

Update: Richard Branson’s Virgin Hyperloop partners with backer DP World to launch logistics startup

Updat: This post has been updated to indicate that DP World invested in 2016. The firm is based in the UAE.

Virgin Hyperloop One and DP World are launching a new joint venture, DP World Cargospeed, two years after the high-speed transportation technology developer tapped the UAE-based shipping company in a $50 million financing.

The company’s stated goal is to deliver palletized cargo more efficiently by combining super high-speed promise of hyperloop transportation with new logistics technologies to accelerate deliveries along Virgin Hyperloop One’s planned routes between Mumbai and Pune in India; in Saudi Arabia, and in the United Arab Emirates.

Announced with much fanfare and in the presence of Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem and Virgin Hyperloop chairman Richard Branson, the new company is basically built on buzzwords like “on-demand” and the promise of future performance.

Right now there’re only 10 kilometers of Virgin Hyperloop track being built (and they’re all in India).

Although there’s not much more than a bunch of pontificating palaver around hyperloop technologies now, the startup companies and their corporate backers do present an compelling vision of the future of transportation.

As China sinks billions into a new silk road to connect the world to its powerful new economic engine, incredibly fast, incredibly efficient logistics will become increasingly important — especially if it can be made more environmentally sustainable by harnessing renewable energy.

“The global growth of e-commerce is driving a dramatic shift in both consumer and business behavior. On-demand deliveries are a novelty today. Tomorrow it will be the expectation,” Branson said in a statement announcing the new company. “DP World Cargospeed systems powered by Virgin Hyperloop One will enable ultra-fast, on-demand deliveries of high-priority goods and can revolutionise logistics, support economic zones, and create thriving economic megaregions.”

Hyperloop transportation is basically shooting a container through a really really big pneumatic tube really really fast. The technology uses magnetic levitation to propel the people-and-product laden pods through the tube with little friction. Hypothetically the hyperloop should be able to achieve speeds of around 300 meters per second — faster than the fastest high speed rail technologies in use today.

Hurdles to getting a system like this up and running are immense. Most of the shipping world still runs on logistics systems designed in the 19th and 20th centuries that remain resistant to 21st century innovations

DP World Cargospeed systems, enabled by Virgin Hyperloop One technology, will transport high-priority, time-sensitive goods including fresh food, medical supplies, electronics, and more. It will expand freight transportation capacity by connecting with existing modes of road, rail and air transport.

“Based on McKinsey’s assessment of our technology, Virgin Hyperloop One-enabled supply chains can dramatically impact business bottom lines by reducing both finished goods inventory and required warehouse space by 25%,” said Rob Lloyd, the chief executive officer of Virgin Hyperloop One.

For Virgin Hyperloop One, the new joint venture with DP World is another sign of the company’s continued renaissance since bringing Virgin aboard. The once scandal-wracked startup now has a partner with seemingly unlimited pockets and a consummate salesman and spokesperson in the chairman’s seat on the company’s board.

Branson, for one, is all in on the technology (at least until Virgin Orbit starts blasting off in earnest).

“The reason I became chairman of this company, I found this ridiculously exciting,” Branson told CNBC. “I think if we can build Virgin Hyperloops in a number of different countries, connecting countries, that will bring the world much closer.”

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Netflix offers a first look at Michelle Wolf's weekly talk show

Netflix sure has a knack for timing -- while Michelle Wolf was busy running the show at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, the streaming service posted the first trailer for her weekly talk show The Break. The clip (which has Wolf fighting rele...

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A new featurette for Solo: A Star Wars Story shows off a reckless Han Solo

Lucasfilm has released a featurette called “Becoming Solo,” which delves into the world of its upcoming film, Solo: A Star Wars Story, and where its titular hero fits into it.

Solo director Ron Howard opens the video by saying that this film shows off a world that we really haven’t seen much of in the franchise: one in which the Empire holds complete control. He notes that everyone is struggling to survive, and that Han is a rare “free spirit.”

“You end up getting to see how this guy got to be the way he is,” Han Solo actor Alden Ehrenreich says, while his costar Donald Glover (who plays Lando Calrissian), adds that “we’re meeting Han right before he becomes the Han that we know.” Solo writer Lawrence Kasdan notes that he’s the most...

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The skills that every teen should learn before they ever get a cellphone


Being a teenager is like waking up every morning in a house of mirrors. You're everywhere and nowhere at once, trying to pinpoint which version of yourself is the most authentic. 

For the past decade, teens have navigated this tumultuous period of their lives with a smartphone in their hand. We know the power of connectivity can be liberating, especially in adolescence. We also know how our craving for that connection often leaves us longing for more — incomplete without one more scroll or an extra like. 

What we don't know yet is how that constant whiplash effect of moving from elation to despair or creative engagement to mindless distraction changes young minds. I've been writing about this subject for a year, studying the research that suggests a link between screen time and poorer mental health, talking to experts worried about the inevitable moral panic that comes with every new technology, exploring the positive aspects of being online, and even urging young people to reclaim their lives from the thrum of social media.  Read more...

More about Social Good, Mental Health, Teenagers, Cell Phones, and Social Good

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Siri gives an R-rated definition of the word 'mother'


Welp, Siri might have some explaining to do.

Apple's notoriously sassy assistant gives a very NSFW answer when you ask it to define the word "mother."

First spotted by users in Reddit's r/Apple subreddit (h/t Ars Technica), the second definition of "mother" provided by Siri is "short for motherfucker." 

We put this to the test ourselves several times, and confirmed that Siri does indeed give the R-rated definition when prompted for a second definition.

You can see for yourself in the video below (warning, the language is, obviously, NSFW). Read more...

More about Tech, Apple, Iphone, Siri, and Apps And Software

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Emmanuel Macron turns to Iran to propose widening nuclear deal as Trump wavers

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Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin starts its year off right with beautiful rocket launch


Up, up, and away. 

Blue Origin — the previously secretive rocket company started by Amazon's Jeff Bezos — just launched another successful flight and landing of its New Shepard rocket and capsule from its facility in Texas. 

The test flight, which took place on Sunday at around 1:07 p.m. ET, will pave the way for people to actually fly to suborbital space aboard the Blue Origin rocket sometime in the coming years. 

The rocket reached a maximum altitude of 350,000 feet during the test flight, which took roughly 10 minutes from liftoff to the rocket and capsule touchdowns.  Read more...

More about Space, Science, Jeff Bezos, Blue Origin, and Rockets

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Daily Reminder: You Don’ t Need to be a Millionaire to Enjoy Life

“Our capacity to draw happiness from aesthetic objects or material goods in fact seems critically dependent on our first satisfying a more…

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via TV Aerials Warrington

The Importance of Asking For What You Want

Especially for Females in The Workplace

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How To Overcome Fear And Transform Your Life To Be Bigger And Bolder

A Mind-Made Illusion

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T-Minus 20…

Reflecting on an HIV test; what it was like, and what lead me to take it.

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via TV Aerials Warrington

Why Potential Is The Birthplace Of Greatness

Transform Potential Into Achievement

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Three Steps to Tackle Time Management for People with ADHD

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Maybe Not-Drowning Isn’t Enough

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via TV Aerials Warrington

How To Deal With The Fact That You’re Not Quite Where You’d Like To Be (Yet.)

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via TV Aerials Warrington

Little Habits That Make You More Attractive

…and I’m not talking about looks.

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Traveling Terrifies Me, But Regret Scares Me Even More

For anyone that thinks I love every aspect of traveling: you’re wrong!

from Handpicked stories about Self on Medium
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***Natural*** by joachimbergauer via 500px TV Installers in The warrington Area

17-44:Japanesque by momo-123

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***Twenty Years*** by joachimbergauer via 500px TV Installers in The warrington Area

Charlotte makes history as part of Saints Women

A TALENTED rugby league player and former student Charlotte Hill has thanked Warrington and Vale Royal College for its part in helping her to secure a spot in St Helens RFC’s women’s Super League team.

Charlotte is making history with Saints Women, having debuted in their 40-0 win over York City Knights.

The 18-year-old, from Newton-le-Willows, completed the level 3 rugby league course at the college, run in partnership with Warrington Wolves.

Charlotte said: “It feels really good to be a part of the Saints team. I feel proud that as a woman in sport, I’ve got this far and at quite a young age. I definitely wouldn’t want to be at any other team. It’s a lot of commitment but it’s worth it on game day when you’re selected and you’re on the field with your teammates. Sometimes it’s mentally tough, but I love it.”

Last year, former Great Sankey High School pupil Charlotte was selected for Lancashire’s Under 19s team – scoring a try in her debut game – after making a name for herself at Thatto Heath Crusaders.

Charlotte added: “I really do think that Warringtondand Vale Royal College has helped me massively, especially with the work on the course being so specific to rugby – that was really helpful and taught me lots of little things that I didn’t know. Being one of the only girls on the course also really helped as it pushed me to toughen up and gain confidence as well.”

Before enrolling at the college, Charlotte had stopped playing rugby but the course helped her to rediscover her passion.

She added: “I absolutely love playing rugby – it’s my life – and I got so many amazing opportunities through Warrington & Vale Royal College. I was one of two girls from the college who went for trials for England. I would never have had that opportunity if it wasn’t for the college.

“The college is also the reason I started playing at Thatto Heath Crusaders so without it, I might not have started back and wouldn’t be where I am now!”

The post Charlotte makes history as part of Saints Women appeared first on Warrington Worldwide.

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Latchford pay the price after a slow start

LATCHFORD Albion made the long trip to Cumbria and paid the price for a slow start when they were defeated 46-14 by an impressive Hindpool Tigers side.

The slow start by the visitors, saw the hosts run in 24 unopposed points in the opening 15 minutes leaving Albion with an uphill task.

A length of the field effort by Chris Griffiths, shortly followed by a try out wide by centre Adam Wadsworth saw Latchford threaten to haul themselves back into the game, but a try on half time, saw the hosts in control 30 – 8.

The second half saw Hindpool score an early try to effectively cancel any thoughts Latchford had of an unlikely comeback.

Both teams traded tries in a more even second half,  Albion’s points coming from a try by full back Carwyn
Chamberlain, converted by Chris Joynson, proving the highlight of a disappointing afternoon for Albion.

The post Latchford pay the price after a slow start appeared first on Warrington Worldwide.

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Dutch Tulps by remoscarfo

Relax. Refresh. Renew. Play. Sing. Laugh. Enjoy. Forgive. Dance. Love. Hug. Share. Kiss.  Create. Explore. Hope. Listen. Dare. Trust. Dream. Learn. TODAY :-) via 500px TV Installers in The warrington Area

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When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy :-) Wishing You all well and ever wonder-filled in This Joy-Us Journey in Photography. via 500px TV Installers in The warrington Area

How to create a schedule that will actually help you.

The foolproof way to become a scheduler and get things done.

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via Warrington Aerials

Wolverine is totally going to pop up in 'Deadpool 2,' isn't he?


The dance continues.

Ryan Reynolds has a habit of trolling his old X-Men Origins: Wolverine pals Hugh Jackman. Just a few weeks ago, in fact, Reynolds took a (proverbial) dump all over an anniversary message Jackman sent to his wife of 22 years.

Now he's at it again. In a video tweeted on Friday, Jackman can barely keep a straight face as he tries to record a "heartfelt birthday message" while a Deadpool-suited Reynolds sings "Tomorrow," from Annie, on the bed behind him.

It's hilarious. Especially with them breaking into "Who Let the Dogs Out." Read more...

More about Entertainment, Film, Deadpool, Hugh Jackman, and Ryan Reynolds

from Mashable
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Celebrities are tweeting their old headshots, and wow


Celebrities ... they're just like us, right?

If you put aside all the wealth and fame and success and, well, yeah. Hey, at least they were once kind of like us! We were reminded of that fact this week when #oldheadshotday started trending and scores of celebs took the opportunity to tweet pictures from their past. 

The results are truly wonderful. 

For starters, let's take a look at America's funny man, Stephen Colbert. Did you know he wasn't born with an arched eyebrow? Neither did we!

I don’t remember ever being this happy in my 20s..#oldheadshotday

— Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) April 28, 2018

More about Twitter, Stephen Colbert, Mark Hamill, Culture, and Celebrities

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Kanye's new political rap wants to 'let the people talk.' Here's what they're saying.


Oh, did you think Kanye West was done grabbing attention for the week? Pfffttt.

Following the release of his new song "Lift Yourself," which may or may not have just been one big troll on poop-scooping, Kanye dropped "Ye Vs. The People." The track features rapper T.I., with the two trading verses as they discuss a more serious matter: Yeezy's unhinged tweets in support of Donald Trump.

Kanye split the internet in half earlier this week after reiterating his love for Trump. In typical Kanye-does-Kanye style, he called the president "my brother" and slammed haters for not being "free thinkers" who stay true to their own independent thoughts. Read more...

More about Twitter, Music, Kanye West, Twitter Reactions, and Trump

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How to organize your Spotify account


This post is part of Mashable's Spring Cleaning Week. Just a little something to distract you from the eternal dread of constantly wiping all those fingerprints off your screen. 

It's really easy for your Spotify account to become one helluva cluster.

Sometimes you're really feeling particularly rowdy and you need to bump the latest stylings of Cardi B while hitting the milly rock during your mid morning commute. Sometimes you need to turn your grocery run into an adventure by moonwalking down an aisle while listening to Bruno Mars. Sometimes, you really just need to ugly cry into your palms while listening to a Jessie Reyez and Daniel Caesar collaboration. Read more...

More about Tech, Spotify, Spring Cleaning, Spotify Streaming, and Spring Cleaning Week

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Crowdfunding campaign leads to major discovery of healthy Tasmanian devils


Tasmanian devils are on the brink of extinction, but there's a glimmer of hope. And it's shining brightly. 

Scientists exploring Tasmania's southwest wilderness discovered a group of the animals that so far appears to be completely free of the contagious cancer that is ravaging the rest of the population.

According to the Tasmanian government, a team led by Dr. Sam Fox trapped 14 healthy devils free of Devil Facial Tumour Disease — a cancer that spreads from devil to devil and results in the marsupials' death. 

The Independent reports that, since the discovery of the disease, the population of wild devils has declined by 80 percent.  Read more...

More about Extinction, Tasmanian Devil, Culture, and Animals

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