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Wednesday 30 September 2020

Netflix's emotional 'Social Distance' trailer almost romanticizes quarantine

Netflix's emotional 'Social Distance' trailer almost romanticizes quarantine

TV is really in the business of archiving the present these days. Often, it feels like events are nowhere near over before we get to watch them fictionalized for TV.

Netflix's Social Distance presents eight standalone episodes about different people coping with quarantine measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The press release sent out with the trailer is full of phrases like "emotional experience" and "connection" and "deeply human," describing the series' anchor as "the power of the human spirit in the face of uncertainty and isolation."

That is all very nice and wrapped up with emotionally stirring music for a trailer that features Danielle Brooks, Mike Colter, Oscar Nuñez, Asante Blackk, and more. There's a story about a recovering alcoholic trying to stay on the wagon, a couple dealing with intimacy issues, and a family living through the all-too-familiar daily struggle of video chats.  Read more...

More about Entertainment, Television, Netflix, Danielle Brooks, and Coronavirus

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