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Thursday 31 May 2018

Here's why Twitter's locking people out of their accounts


It's been just a few days since Europe's GDPR rules went into effect and the regulations have already had a pretty disastrous effect on a large number of Twitter users. 

Over the past week, the company's been suspending the accounts of people who joined Twitter before they were 13 — even if they're now older — due to new European privacy laws.

It's not clear just how many accounts have been affected, but a look at the r/Twitter subreddit and the #TwitterLockout hashtag shows a substantial number of users have reported suspensions in recent days. VentureBeat also reports that at least one business account, which had listed a "birthdate" as the company's founding date, had also been suspended.  Read more...

More about Tech, Twitter, Privacy, Social Media Companies, and Gdpr

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