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Saturday 30 June 2018

(un)fairytale by RyanDyar

I'm not a believer in ghosts, ghouls, supernatural fables and all that crap, but one of the nights I spent camped here on the Alvord Playa recently with my man-boo Miles Morgan (a much better shooter than I) was creepy enough to have me doubting my beliefs for a bit. It was pitch black out in the middle of the night and Miles and I were sitting around camp in the middle of this deserted expanse having deep conversations about cheese burgers, Formula 1, and our favorite boy bands when a strange orb of light from the distance came flying past me within a couple feet and then off again into the beyond... all in a matter of seconds. Shortly after there were roars of rolling thunder (mind you, there wasn't a cloud in 100 miles in any direction) but sounded as if it were coming from below our feet. My beliefs were shattered. Come to find out, the thunder was actually seismic activity that is not uncommon for that area (though I've never heard it before in a decade worth of trips to the Alvord). And though he won't admit it, I think the glowing orb was Miles lighting a fart on fire. Learn ALL the techniques used in the post processing of my images with my in depth and revealing instructional videos! Visit the link in my bio or WWW.RYANDYAR.COM Email subscribers get discounts via 500px TV Installers in The warrington Area

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