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Tuesday 30 April 2019

“Government policy is letting the town down” – MP

GOVERNMENT policies are holding back the economy in Warrington North, according to MP Helen Jones.
Unemployment in the constituency  is growing and is higher than the UK equivalent, she said.
“We are not making the progress the government claims we are. Here in Warrington North our unemployed claimant figure is significantly above the UK equivalent. People are simply not getting jobs. Government policies continue to let our town down.”
Ms Jones quotes the latest figures from the House of Commons Library.
These shows that the total number of unemployed claimants in Warrington North in March was 1,980 which represents 4.1 per cent of the economically active population aged 16-64. The UK equivalent rate was 3.4 per cent
The MP said: “Unfortunately the number of claimants in my constituency is 290 higher than in March 2018 and amongst young people, aged 18-24, the increase has been 60.
“Even when adjustments are made to take into account Universal Credit the figures are worse than for the same period in 2018 – 227 higher than February 2018.”

The post “Government policy is letting the town down” – MP appeared first on Warrington Worldwide.

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